X Marks the sweet spot for health & wellness brand marketers

[mkd_section_subtitle color=”#0b7f9b” text_align=”center” text=”We had a hunch.” width=”60″]

Women 40-60 call the shots when it comes to health & wellness products and services. But we couldn’t find any detailed data about it. So, we set out to learn more. Together with our partner agency, Fancy, we surveyed over 500 women in that age range across the US. We explored:

• Her spending priorities

• How she makes decisions

• What is important to her in the buying process

Many of the results raised our eyebrows. And we think they offer valuable insights for marketers who want to grow their brands with an audience that spends upwards of 10% of her household income* on health & wellness products and services. Download our full report here.


*after core medical expenses

[mkd_section_subtitle color=”#ffffff” text_align=”center” text=”Meet the FemXer” width=””]

She has money, cares for many and doesn’t trust marketing talk.

[mkd_section_subtitle color=”#9d248f” text_align=”center” text=”She controls the spend when it comes to health and wellness for herself and her family. In fact, she makes over 90% of those purchase decisions.” width=””]
[mkd_section_subtitle color=”#9d248f” text_align=”center” text=”She relies on input from others. But those advisors aren’t on YouTube or Insta.” width=”80″]

Mean score
(Lower score means top ranking)

[mkd_section_subtitle color=”#ffffff” text_align=”center” text=”She seeks authenticity and truth” width=””][tm_carousel_father arrowclr=”#ffffff” dotclr=”#ffffff”][tm_carousel_son titlesize=”28″ title=”“I want products to do the job they say they will do.”” titleclr=”#ffffff”][/tm_carousel_son][tm_carousel_son titlesize=”28″ title=”“Provide health and medical-based evidence.”” titleclr=”#ffffff”][/tm_carousel_son][tm_carousel_son titlesize=”28″ title=”“Prove the products actually work. I’m tired of wasting my money.”” titleclr=”#ffffff”][/tm_carousel_son][tm_carousel_son titlesize=”28″ title=”“Once a brand has proven itself to me, I tend to stick with it.”” titleclr=”#ffffff”][/tm_carousel_son][/tm_carousel_father]
[mkd_section_subtitle color=”#0b7f9b” text_align=”center” text=”Other areas explored in this study:” width=””][mkd_process_holder process_type=”horizontal_process” number_of_items=”three”][mkd_process_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-lightbulb-o” highlighted=”no” title=”PURCHASE DRIVERS” text=”” image=”19062″][mkd_process_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-lightbulb-o” highlighted=”no” title=”WHAT DRIVES LOYALTY” text=”” image=”19060″][mkd_process_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-ban” highlighted=”no” title=”ONLINE BEHAVIOR” text=”” image=”19061″][mkd_process_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-photo” highlighted=”no” title=”BUDGET ALLOCATION BY CATEGORY” text=”” image=”19059″][mkd_process_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-plus-circle” highlighted=”no” title=”BRAND RELATABILITY” text=”” image=”19058″][mkd_process_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-plus-circle” highlighted=”no” title=”RED FLAGS” text=”” image=”19063″][/mkd_process_holder]
[mkd_section_subtitle color=”#ffffff” text_align=”center” text=”Find out more about this powerful cohort and what she means to your business growth.” width=””]

To download the FemXer study report please fill out the form below.